Happy 2024!!

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Happy 2024!!

2024 Out with the old and in with the NEW!

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Rebounding from QUARANTINE fatigue is a real challenge for some.  In the beginning of the COVID lockdown, putting pen to paper or tapping away on my keyboard seemed impossible. I didn’t know how I was going to bring any character to life.  As much as I love Harlem, Carter, and Damian from the Slow Burn duology . . . that trio almost didn’t see the light of day.  Fortunately, Her Baby His Gift got its start in 2018 and dear friends came to the rescue. They gave advice on how to deal with the emotional crisis I found myself. I was able to push through toward the light to finish the series (selfless plug-Her Baby His Gift and His Baby Her Gift are AVAILABLE NOW click HERE and HERE)!  So glad I was able to overcome. Harlem & Carter are now one of my favorite couples. 

I will say discipline and routine also helped to keep me going, while dealing with the physical and emotional toll of being locked down.  Now that life is starting to get back to normal, I want to share a few new things that I’ve incorporated into my daily routine over the past year.  These tips have helped me tremendously.  I think mentally, I’m stronger than before quarantine. And since I can now safely go around people again, I plan to continue what I’ve learned!  Maybe these tips can help those of you who are still struggling to rebound from quarantine fatigue too.


1.      Spend 10-15 minutes a day clearing your mind and just BREATHING (slowly);

2.      Spend 10-15 minutes a day stretching;


3.       Grounding.  I hear you asking, “What is that, LaShawn?” Grounding is a therapeutic technique that involves doing activities that “ground” or electrically reconnect you to the earth-like simply walking in grass or sitting leaned up against a tree while reading a good book. What happens? Good/positive energy transfers to you. Personally, I love going to the beach, sitting on the sand, and listening to the waves roll in. 

4.       Find something to laugh about.  No matter how silly.

5.       Reach out to someone you love to check on them. As a matter of fact, TEXT me at (833) 635-0658 & I’ll text you back with all things LVP!

6.       Listen to music that make you feel good and empowered. Like any of my booktracks on Spotify, Youtube, or Tidal!

7.       Finally, if necessary, go somewhere and scream at the top of your lungs (just make sure you’re in a secure location, so folks don’t call the cops.  And if you don’t live alone, make sure you let them know what you are about to do so they don’t call 911(lol)!

That’s it!  That’s how I remained sane and managed quarantine fatigue.  Hopefully, you’ll find these tips helpful.  Let me know.  Now, it’s back to the grind.  The writing Angels are shining on me so I better get to it.

Love, LaShawn





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Love During Quarantine

COVID-19 has been a disaster and is still wreaking havoc.  After almost a year of lockdown, if you’re like me—somewhat of an introvert—you are probably suffering a bit of quarantine fatigue.  However, there has been a silver lining.  Life has slowed down considerably.  Enough that people who are typically on the go-go-go are having to spend quality time with their partners.  It’s been interesting to watch couples navigate all of this quality time.  Some have grown close and are thriving (I fully expect the COVID-19 baby boom). Others have realized that they can’t stand the way their bae likes to eat cereal in bed and split!    

Yeah, it’s been interesting to observe—lots of rich material to pull from.  I might even write a book about it. 

Stay safe, wear a mask, and social distance!



Merry Christmas


Merry Christmas

A Merry Christmas message from Me to You!


Road Trippin' with LaShawn - Baltimore


Road Trippin' with LaShawn - Baltimore

I went to Baltimore, MD this weekend. It was the first stop on my book tour. I met some Ah-MAZING reader friends. First, I’ve never been to Baltimore. Second, it was great! I mean superfreakin’ fantastic! Mary Brooks, Vondetta Carter, Shea Swain, and Regina Stewart-Hunt rolled out the red carpet and made me feel right at home. I even had some of Maryland’s FINEST crab meat and WHOO chile…it was good! For those who wanted to, but couldn’t attend, check out some images and video below! Charleston, SC . . . YOU’VE GOT NEXT!!


Rise and Shine!

Up at 4:30am getting ready for the day!


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Oh No!

My face when there appeared to be a flight delay. Ended up being all good and on-time!

Flying over the great city of BALTIMORE & about to land!

I MADE IT and had SUCH a great time with some incredible women. We ate. We laughed. We had a few drinks. We talked about books and a few other things we’ll keep just between us! Thanks again for having and hosting me! Next stop....9/7...Charleston ❤️!!!


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Thank you thank you and THANKS again for hosting my Baltimore stop. If you don’t know, she’s the author of Chained to the Devil’s Son & Heaven on Hell Island (one of my favorites)!

AUTHOR SHEA SWAIN (click on the name for more information)


Your TBR Pile is Ridiculous!


Your TBR Pile is Ridiculous!

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Your TBR Pile is Ridiculous . . . and so is mine! Time to fix it. Here’s how?

JULY is HOT! Not just because the weather is a degree less than hell-fire but because it’s the month where lots of HOT books released! It’s also the month where I pair up with diverse (aka black/brown) bloggers / Instagrammers / Booktubers / and more to participate in some of the most popular READ-A-THONS around!

A FUN way to reduce the size of your TBR pile is to join other readers who are participating in one of several read-a-thons:

Bi-Annual Bibliothon - runs from 7/11 - 7/19

24 in 48 - runs from 7/20 -7/21

Reading Rush (formally Booktubathon) - runs from 7/22 - 7/28


You’ve still got time to get your book list together for this years events. If I am already on your TBR list . . . Fantastic! July would be a GREAT month to finally read my work. If not, add me. I’ll even sweeten the pot by gifting you a FREE book from my bookstore. Just use coupon code: READATHON for your FREE copy of Magnetic Pulse (The Hot Voltage Series) - Book #1.

Happy Summer and Happy Reading
